[UK-CONTEST] NCC - re: Ian's suggestion

Doug Roberts g0wmw at arrl.net
Fri Apr 16 04:36:46 EDT 2004

As Ian says, there is a pool (nay, an OCEAN) of talent here.  I agree that
non-contest natters/matters shouldn't be allowed to get out of hand, but
also that there is a need.  Strictly, I suppose a new forum/reflector should
be started - I used to love the HamNet forum on Compu$erve, before the
Internet arrived and it all seemed to disintegrate.  Oh, those were the
days - text-only messages and SPAM meant nothing more than meat in a can ...
but there, nostalgia isn't what it used to be!

Doug G0WMW

PS - is someone going to count the votes?  :-)


If there's one thing I can't stand, it's INTOLERANCE!

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