[UK-CONTEST] National Contest Journal
Dave Lawley
g4buo at compuserve.com
Wed Apr 28 16:41:03 EDT 2004
The Editor of NCJ has asked me to post the following to the uk-contest
reflector. I've subscribed to NCJ for over ten years, and it's a great
source of contesting ideas, as well as a chance to drool over pictures
of lots of aluminum (sic) high in the sky.
Dave G4BUO
You may not be aware, but there’s a magazine devoted to contesting on
the other side of the pond. It’s called The National Contest Journal
(NCJ), and it’s published by the ARRL.
Each 48-page issue has general features (contest operations, operating
techniques, logging software, etc.), technical features (antennas, rigs,
etc.), and many regular columns with useful information about the
contesting aspect of Amateur Radio.
NCJ is not just for US Amateurs, either. Contributing on a regular basis
are overseas regional editors, along with great articles about contest
DXpeditions from all over the world.
For more information, go to www.ncjweb.com. The current issue’s feature
article is on the website, along with many Bonus Content features. NCJ
is available via airmail for US$40 for one year (six issues). There is
also a surface mail option for US$32.
Carl K9LA
NCJ Editor
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