[UK-CONTEST] National Contest Journal

Ian White, G3SEK G3SEK at ifwtech.co.uk
Thu Apr 29 03:59:47 EDT 2004

Dave Lawley wrote:
>The Editor of NCJ has asked me to post the following to the uk-contest 
>reflector. I've subscribed to NCJ for over ten years, and it's a great 
>source of contesting ideas, as well as a chance to drool over pictures 
>of lots of aluminum (sic) high in the sky.

Another way to see NCJ is to buy the ARRL CD-ROM for the previous year. 
It contains all of QST, QEX *and* NCJ in PDF format, plus all the 
related software and extended equipment review data.

Since I already get to see QST and QEX on loan, the special treat every 
year is to read through NCJ. (Nice article on GB5HQ, Dave.) Even though 
the 'news' items have gone cold, all the technical and operating 
information is still as good and interesting as ever.

At current exchange rates the ARRL CD-ROM is an absolute bargain - the 
credit card bill for the 2003 edition was about £15.50, and it arrived 
within a week.

73 from Ian G3SEK

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