[UK-CONTEST] SD - Testers needed.

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri Aug 13 15:46:20 EDT 2004

I'm testing an update of SD before releasing it as a
new version.  I expect it to have improved data entry
(faster) and smoother CW keying (the internal keyer).

Please try it, and let me know if you think it's
better or not - from www.ei5di.com/sd/sdexe.zip (221 kb).
This contains sd.exe only - I'm assuming you already
have all the other reference files from an earlier

You should run SD from a shortcut icon on the desktop
(not by typing SD in a console window).  If it seems to
be slow, try the PRIORITY command.

Please let me have your comments this weekend - you
could use it in WAE, as QTC handling is improved.
Setup is Type 9, and .CTY file is WAE.  As you enter
callsigns, SD displays the corresponding number of QTCs
available (it'll be 10 if you haven't logged any from
that particular station).  Use the QTC command to log
QTCs.  There are audio files of QTC traffic at
http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/fedcw.htm - very handy
for a bit of practice before the real thing. 

Paul EI5DI

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