Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Sun Aug 29 11:17:16 EDT 2004

Hi all,

Well, someone must have sacrificed something to the Gods of propagation!
15m was wide open from about 9pm local, and was still open when I gave up
for the evening, around 11pm!
Signals were far stronger then than at any other time.

This is a good fun contest, as DXCC entities are not mults (although some
still need to realise this!). The exchange is the year you were first
licenced, with different years being the mults.

Someone asked me about G2DAN, saying they got 1913 as the year he was first
licenced! Is this right?
(Please email me direct if you have an answer).

Highlights for me were VK6GOM on 20m, ZL2AMI on 40, VY1JA on 20, and VE6YR
on 20 and 15.

Call: GU0SUP
Class: SOAB(A) LP
QTH: Guernsey
Operating Time (hrs): 15

 Band  QSOs  Pts  Mults
   80:    6   12     6
   40:   39   85    29
   20:  203  448    56
   15:   60  143    42
   10:    1    2     1
Total:  309  690   134  Total Score = 92,460

Very best 73

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