[UK-CONTEST] RSGB 1.8 MHz Contest

Paul O'Kane paul at ei5di.com
Thu Feb 12 15:11:44 EST 2004

Here's the setup information for SD users.  SD scores
this contest correctly at all times.  However, it is
restricted to 30 QSOs unless you're registered.

Date      : Saturday/Sunday 14/15 February 2004
Time UTC  : 2100-0059
Frequency : 1820-1870 KHz
Mode      : CW
SD Type 10, General - Country & Area Multipliers

.MLT File           : RSGB
.CTY File           : RSGB
Multipliers Count   : B (by band.  Yes, I know
                         it's 160m only)
Points/QSO          : 3
Pts/Bonus           : 5 (5 bonus points - no mults)
Receive Serials     : Y
Mode                : CW
Mixed Mode?         : N

Work everyone - UK and non-UK.
Send    : 599 + Serial + District Code
Receive : 599 + Serial + District Code (from UK stations)
        : 599 + Serial (from non-UK stations)

When logging Serial and District Code, you can enter both
in the one field, for example 123BT - followed by Enter.

SD lets you record additional data sent by non-UK stations,
as required by the HFCC General Rules for HF contests.
However, there's no point in doing this because any such
data is not cross-checked.

After the contest, use SDCHECK to create your .LOG file
in Cabrillo format.  Send it, as an attached file, to
1st160.logs at rsgbhfcc.org

Paul EI5DI

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