[UK-CONTEST] Importing a rig

RobertV mail at mm0ant.co.uk
Sun Feb 15 05:21:14 EST 2004

>The particular advice I sought related to import taxes. I had a number of
>answers, for which I'm grateful. I asked for the package to be clearly
>marked "Telecommunications Equipment". It wasn't; HRO described it as
>"Amateur Radio Equipment". The object of this was to minimise any import
>duty, and it should be zero on amateur gear. I was resigned to paying VAT,
>which would add another £132 or so. I really resent paying VAT on carriage
>from overseas, but that's the way it works.

Here's something (at the bottom) I snipped from a message chain a year or
so back when importing an FT1000MP and an Alpha 91... Both without TAX
or VAT secondhand. Check out the link ... http://makeashorterlink.com/?E5EE65967


>| >>Can someone please let me know the implications (if any) of importing 
>| >>second-hand radio equipment from abroad, both from inside and outside 
>| >>the EEC.  I'm particularly interested in any duty that may be payable.
>| >>BTW, I'm talking about amateur HF transceivers in the main.
>| >
>| >There is no duty, VAT or any other tax levied on importing radio
>| >equipment from other countries in the EU.
>| >
>| >For amateur radio transceivers imported into this country from outside
>| >the EU, a nil rate of import duty applies (quote TARIC code 8525 20 99
>| >to HM Customs & Excise, details at:
>| >http://europa.eu.int/comm/taxation_customs/dds/en/tarhome.htm) but VAT
>| >at 17.5% applies unless it's a gift or sample of little value.   If
>| >the equipment is second-hand, there's scope for being realistic about
>| >the value declared to Customs but be prepared to justify a valuation
>| >if challenged.
>| IIRC 8525 20 99 00 is for transmitters and receivers etc. and
>| 8529 90 40 00 for accessories, but HM Customs will tell you if
>| you ask.   I think it only applies to non-EC countries with which
>| we have an agreement - the USA for example.
>| Gifts are limited to less than 150 pounds I think.

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