[UK-CONTEST] 80m CC CW 05/07/04
g3sjj at btinternet.com
Mon Jul 5 18:58:03 EDT 2004
Spent the first 20 minutes S&P yielding a neat 34 Qs, then as I tuned back
down the band found a clear spot on 3524 and stayed there the rest of the
time, although interspersing 2nd RX S&P. Static was a steady s9 throughout.
Having a suffered a painful mosquito bite on my keying hand during the night
and then been to the funeral of the late G3IGW today, I can't say I was all
that motivated, although I had decided that I would dedicate this effort to
the memory of Mike. In the past he had been a keen LF band contester and
DXer, contributing to the understanding of greyline propagation.
95 QSOs, usual setup - FT1kMP, 100w to a dipole at 17m.
Chris G3SJJ
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