[UK-CONTEST] SD V10.23 Released

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Wed Jul 14 18:47:55 EDT 2004

V10.23         14 July 2004

WinKey - All programs:
    Support for callsign type-ahead added (with the
    #C parameter - usually in the F2 message).  You
    can add or delete callsign characters, so long
    as you stay ahead of the keyer.

    Use Esc or Minus, or touch either paddle, to
    stop WinKey message playback.

    You can use the following commands to configure
    WinKey - your preferences are stored in the
    configuration file SDCONFIG.TXT.

    MINWPM    - WinKey's minimum WPM, with the speed
                control at minimum.

    WPMRANGE  - The difference, in WPM, between the
                minimum speed and the maximum speed.
                For example, if your minimum is 15
                and the range is 25, the maximum will
                be 40 wpm.  This gives you fine
                control over WinKey's speed pot.

    POTRANGE  - Depending on how your speed pot is
                wired, this should be set to 127 or
                255. Don't worry if you pick the
                wrong value - all that happens is
                that your maximum speed will not be
                what you intended.

    PTTLEAD   - Replaces PTTDELAY - sets the lead
                PTT delay in milliseconds.  Note -
                this is effective only in 10ms
                increments. If you select 29, the
                lead delay will be 20ms.

    SWAP      - Reverse the paddles.
    IAMBICA   - Set Iambic A mode.
    IAMBICB   - Set Iambic B mode - the default.
    ULTIMATIC - Set Ultimatic mode.
    BUG       - Toggles Bug Key/Iambic B mode
    AUTOSPACE - Toggles Autospace mode.

    The TUNE (or T) command works in WinKey. To
    stop tuning, press any key or touch either
    paddle.  Use Esc to clear the TUNE characters
    from the logging line when you're finished.

    When using WinKey, your CW speed is controlled
    by WinKey's speed pot. SD shows WinKey's speed
    in the normal position under the logging line.
    WinKey lets you change speed while sending a
    message - very handy when replying to high-
    speed callers.

    For what it's worth, I think WinKey is
    wonderful. It eliminates any possibility of
    corrupt or untidy CW due to Windows doing its
    own thing, and it gives full integration with
    external paddles. You can interrupt a message
    by touching a paddle, and then continue 
    manually at the same speed using either the
    paddles or the keyboard.  At 3B9C, we used
    WinKey for all 77,610 CW QSOs - and that's
    when I decided to fully support it.

    WinKey was developed by G3WGV and K1EL. You can
    get more information from http://www.k1el.com,
    or try a search on Google for WinKey and keyer.

SDI (SD for IOTA) - All earlier Windows versions
    10.15 - 10.22.
    There was a bug which could crash SDI when you
    edited IOTA references on QSOs already logged.
    There was also a danger of corrupting the log.
    Fixed.  Older DOS versions are not affected.
    Do NOT use any earlier Windows version of SDI.

    When calculating QSO points, SD used the
    default zone for your callsign, even if you
    entered a different zone on the opening
    screen.  Fixed. This fix applies also to Type
    2 - CQWW.

SDX: Check Partial.
    The program froze if you tried to retrieve an
    entry (with Up Arrow).  Fixed.

Keyer Messages - known bug.
    When storing or editing keyer messages (Shift-F1
    etc), the programs don't let you enter the #
    character at present.  Until this is fixed, the
    alternative is to use an editor (Notepad) on
    SDCONFIG.TXT - the keyer messages are at the
    start of the file.

The programs may be downloaded from www.ei5di.com.  Please
keep a copy of whatever version(s) you're using now - as
insurance!  (Not the versions of SDI as noted above)

The programs are all freeware. If you use them, please
sign-up to the sd-user mailing list at
This is the best way to get help from other users,
and to hear about updates and bug fixes.

Paul EI5DI

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