g3sjj at btinternet.com
Tue Jul 20 14:46:16 EDT 2004
This is the 9th year we have activated EU114, initially from the QTH of
GU2FRO on Sark then from the Guernsey ARS HQ. Our focus this time is to
minimise the horrendous stray RF problems we suffered last year and to put
our score back up with the leaders by maximising Run and Multiplier operator
Run Team Leader is John G4DRS fresh from his stint on 15m SSB at GB5HQ, John
is bi-modal and will cover both CW and SSB. Young Richard M5RIC who recently
celebrated his 20th birthday has operated from GU and GJ in major SSB
contests over the past year as well being a prime member of the 7Q7MM
DXpedition and more recently on 80m SSB at GB5HQ. Another member of the 7QMM
team, Dick GU4CHY will also man the run station with CW being his
preference. If we can get a look in, G4IIY and myself will try and have a go
on the Run station. Since I recently operated GB5HQ on 80 CW I may well get
that slot. Ian is a true Botham (England cricket all rounder) of the
contesting world, except a bit quieter but has a mean streak!
Mult team leader is myself, G3SJJ and I will be ably assisted by Ian G4IIY.
We are looking to be aggressive at finding those precious multipliers.
Chris, G3SVL, also of GB5HQ fame on 160m SSB and Phil, GU0SUP, of RITTY
fame, will be sharing the responsibility of getting us up there.
If all goes to plan we will be using monobanders on 10 and 15m(tnx help
G4AXX), GARS TH6 on 20M, 40m diamond loop with selection between H and V
polarisation and a dipole on 80m. WX0B Sixpak, Topten decoders, Dunestar
filters, Coax stubs and lots of bonding. Four laptops running Writelog will
be networked by wireless. Oh and the 2 amps are Acom 1000 and Acom 2000a(tnx
If you think we are going in a convoy you are wrong. Apart from the GU tower
and TH6 and a few bits of tubing, virtually all the rest of the gear will be
transported in my Freelander. Luckily Yvonne, my wife, has declined to
accompany me this year!
The social side will be well looked after with GU4YOX, GU4EON and newby GU,
G0IDA, joining us. We will have FUN.
Chris G3SJJ
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