[UK-CONTEST] NFD and Overseas Stations

Roger Parsons ve3zi at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 11 08:05:55 EDT 2004

Thought this would be the easiest way to get through
to the Contest Committee.

Wonder if there is any chance of having an overseas
section in NFD? Or of doing a shift back in time and
re-instituting a Commonwealth section? (12 points for
a Commonwealth portable has a nice ring to it....)

I would really like to make a serious effort from
here, and G3KLH would like to come over, but somehow
entering the DARC overseas section doesn't quite cut
it. And ARRL FD is not only not a similar contest, but
is on the wrong weekend.

Any hope?

73 Roger

(sorry for sending part of this twice - clicked the
wrong place while I was composing.)

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