QSL qsl at zetnet.co.uk
Mon Jun 14 10:17:54 EDT 2004

The message <001001c45209$dc265720$0d00000a at desktop>
from "Doug Roberts" <g0wmw at arrl.net> contains these words:

> John,

> I've been using C6 size for quite some time - 162 x 114mm and readily
> available.

> (Also, C6 airmail leaves plenty of room for my card, $$ and return envelope,
> which is 146 x 96 - sorry, no size designation on that pack!).

> 73,
> Doug G0WMW

> | Hi all
> |
> | The RSGB QSL Bureau recommends envelopes about 190 x 130mm for use with
> the
> | sub-manager. My local supply of envelopes like this has dried up, and only
> | A5 are available, which are somewhat larger.
> |

A5 is what 210 x 150 ? [Half A4]

I, speaking as a sub manager would much rather have A5's.

ANYTHING has to be better than some of the envelopes I get, which are
too flimsy, wont take a slightly larger card, or need 10 yards of
sellotape to make them 'work'.
Having said that, I have one 'bod' who sends me A4 and then asks 'wait
3', and one who uses 'photo envelopes' with a card backing - on a good
day he gets 4 cards in each one due to the weight.

Mind you the RSGB also specify the size of a QSL card, and that gets
ignored by 'those who should know better'. [BIG grin]

73 Graham M5AAV    http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/m5aav/qsl.htm

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