[UK-CONTEST] 160M band plan

Dave Sergeant dsergeant at btinternet.com
Mon Mar 1 15:02:32 EST 2004

On 1 Mar 2004 at 14:32, Andy swiffin wrote:

> I meant to ask this earlier - what happens to the band plan during the
> ssb contest on topband?  I'm totally new to this, but noticed everyone
> working everywhere , i.e. in the CW segment as well as above it,  (in
> fact _particularly_ in the CW segment), so I just joined in.  Does the
> band plan becomed suspended for SSB contests on 160? 

Don't get me started on what happens to the top band bandplan (and 
40m for that matter) during SSB contests....

Suffice it to say that as a CW op I did not even bother to listen to 
the band this weekend. But I had quite a lot of fun on the HF bands 
in the UBA contest.

73 Dave G3YMC

dsergeant at btinternet.com

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