Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Mon May 31 06:43:23 EDT 2004

On 31 May 2004 at 10:06, Andy swiffin wrote:

> So where were all the UK stations??  I still need GM GU GJ GW GI on CW
> for this year!!  AND I need GD on any mode (except on VHF)!!  

Yes I thought that the support in this contest from the UK was fairly 
low, I expected 80m at least to be full of them. The great effort by 
the chaps at GI1A were my first QSOs with GI this year (surely you 
worked them Andy or maybe they weren't on Topband) and I still need 
GJ. Where are they all?

> Another question - why on earth are some people running at 40+WPM??
> What is the point, I can't believe that you get a better QSO rate than
> the people at 20.  We should have a rule - hand keys only - then we'll
> see how many of them are still at 40+!

Yes, this applies particularly to the big DXpedition stations sending 
serial numbers in the 3000+ range (D4B or was it D4D, maybe there was 
a D4D on as well...). If they sent them just a fraction slower it 
would reduce the need to ask for repeats. When you are fumbling 
trying to find the right number keys it is hardly conducive to good 

> And finally - those people who slowed down to a sensible rate (my rate
> :-) when I called them - you know who you are - you should be awarded
> bonus points.  And those who gaily carried on at 40, I hope you get
> lots of qsos deleted :-)

I left my keyer (K2 internal keyer with external paddle) at around 
24wpm most of the time, turning it up slightly to call the fast boys 
and down a bit when folks were struggling to copy me. 40wpm is just 
show off and certainly doesn't achieve the goal!

Never got on with using CW keying from the logging program, I find it 
just as easy to send everything manually. But I was struggling 
sending serial numbers like 767, 676 etc, never got the hang of 
iambic paddles. Best suggestion nobody has ever designed into a keyer 
is an 'iambic off' mode as well as modes A and B. I am sure a lot of 
the guys on the air this weekend would have benefited from that!

73 Dave G3YMC


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