No subject

Thu Nov 4 17:03:54 EST 2004

A couple of audio cables from the spare AF sockets of each radio (fixed
level pref, eg. phone patch socket on the 1000mp) to a sterio jack suitable
to go to the line in/mic input of the sound card.
Radio1 - left - Radio2 -right.
Download a sound recorder, which there are dozens of freeware programs on
the net. Try a search looking for wav recorders.
Record a strero sound file using the line in/mic input as the source.
To choose which radio you want to listen to when playing back shift the
balance between left or right or to listen to both centre.
Anybody who is QRV for soundcard digi modes are already set up.

Of course Windows has it's own sound recorder built in but it only has a
default record time of 30 secs.
This is perfect for recording soundbites of qso's with DX or amusing
What I have done here is,

----- Original Message -----
From: "G3SJJ" <g3sjj at>
To: "UK-Contest" <uk-contest at>
Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2002 3:48 PM
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Logging Programs

Relaxing over the weekend with a copy of NCJ, I was reading an ad for miLOG
by Ham Toys, (must say neither name are particularly inspiring). Shades of
spudulike, toysrus etc, yuk. I wonder if anyone has any experience of this
program. It claims to cator for all major contest formats with ethernet and
serial interfaces and with a Special Server(?) can connect up to 25 pcs.

Writelog seems to be gaining popularity so I reckon that is worth looking at
also. I am correct that you can reserve a serial number on one networked
computer whilst running on another?

On another tack, Tim M5ACC/M0BEW mentioned about digitally recording
contests. Assuming that Tim's "most of us" equates to about 1% of UK
contesters who record their contests, it would be interesting to learn more
about this. How about an article for RadCom Tim?

Chris G3SJJ

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