Keith Kerr k.kerr at abdn.ac.uk
Wed Nov 10 10:00:33 EST 2004

Hi all,
Even later than usually but was away on business immediately after the 
contest and return to see a lot of discussion on many issue.
Even although I made my best score yet as SOAB I see I am woefully lacking 
.....again! Propagation was certainly better than expected though not 
exactly outstanding. It was actually difficult to get anything going on 10m 
on Saturday. Sunday was better but nothing like 18+ months ago, but that 
is'nt surprising. Nonetheless there was some nice propagation and for that 
I am grateful.

Random comments:

I can't do this SO2R thing properly

Maybe spent a little too long S&P mults but there were times when a run was 
not possible.

Somehow....but I cannot see how....I must get more 3 pt QSOs!

I need to do something about 40m.....didnt even bother with 7100-7200. Was 
it worth it?

Some terrific scores out there, either rumoured or posted. Congratulations. 
Beats me how I can squeeze more points out of this location.


       160      245      280     1.14      8      48
        80      723      970     1.34     16      72
        40      384      709     1.85     23      87
        20      804     1800     2.24     32     113
        15     1204     2983     2.48     36     117
        10      969     2086     2.15     31     114

      Totals   4329     8829     2.04    146     551  =>  6,155,318

CT says 44.7 hours ON. 1.5 hours shut-eye, 0.5 hours repairing DVK at 0600 
Sat morning. The rest was short breaks for......

A number of issues have been flying about regarding signals, power etc. I 
have nothing to add to what has been said. However I should say, in order 
to avoid any further speculation, that G3VAO was referring to me in his 
post regarding a 'wide signal from the north'. I have replied to him 
directly. I believe this may have been due to a badly adjusted rig and 
amplifier (the result of too much band changing and too little sleep) and I 
apologise to anyone who suffered interference from GM7V. This was 
absolutely unintentional. I received only one complaint about the signal 
during the weekend.

Enough from me. Unfortunately work has conspired against me for CQWW CW. 
I'll be in London until mid Sat afternoon so will try to get on maybe 80m 
SB for a bit of fun on Sunday.

Keith GM4YXI (GM7V)

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