ian fugler
ian at g4iiy.freeserve.co.uk
Mon Nov 29 16:13:48 EST 2004
In the week leading up to CQWW, I only had a 30m g/p available. I toyed
with a single band entry (not 30m obviously). But I knew that my operating
time was going to be severely restricted - none of the 40+ hours that I have
managed in previous years. In the end, I put up some verticals for 80-10m
and a 275 foot windom for 160m.
I started off at around 04:00, having been awoken by the XYL asking if I was
doing the contest or what. (I passed on the what!) For the first five
hours I ran 100W, but then decided that I was not going to fill those band
slots to increase my 2004 CW Table score that way. So the linear was
pressed in to action for the remainder.
I made about 1000 QSOs through to just after midnight, with numerous breaks
for domestics. The interruptions were even greater on Sunday and I only
managed a total of 400 contacts all day. I agree with the comments about
the bands closing early. Even 80m seemed quiet on Sunday evening. I was
spoilt for choice when looking for a run frequency. There are too many one
point QSOs in the log. I had only one half decent run of three pointers
working about 250 Ws in less than two hours on 20m.
I thought UK activity was up this year. There are around 20 Gs in the log
on both 80 and 40m. I can only assume that I was a mult for them.
Next year, I will have moved from an indoor shack to a new, purpose-built
one in the garden. So the incessant interruptions from the family will be a
thing of the past. I intend going in there on the Friday night, loaded with
sufficient supplies so as to allow me to emerge again at midnight on Sunday.
Any design hints for a 25 by 15 feet shack would be welcomed direct, please.
It's only at the planning permission stage so far.
FT1000MP Explorer 1200 amp Verticals/ Windom Software - Write-log (No
Band Q Z DX
160 70 5 36
80 410 14 66
40 331 23 85
20 383 21 65
15 188 16 57
10 40 15 31
Score: 1,051,148
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