Clive Whelan clive.whelan at btinternet.com
Sun Oct 17 15:16:36 EDT 2004


M5AAV wrote

<<Sightly offtopic, but I think I know where the experts hide [when no
contests on].

I do not use WriteLog, but one of the stations I handle qsl's for does.
Is there a 'simple' way to extract partial log data and export this
'chunk' as an adif ?

At the moment, every time i get the log update, i get the whole log, and
its getting a tad 'big'>>

You don't say how you are handling the log if you don't have WL yourself, so
that's a puzzle. However, within WL, highlight the part of the log you DON'T
want, assuming it's contiguous, and then Ctrl Del to delete it. Then simply
export what remains to an ADIF file. There may be a more elegant way, but
that'll work.



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