[UK-CONTEST] RSGB 21/28MHz CW Contest

Tony g3zrj at morsekey.fsnet.co.uk
Mon Oct 18 15:53:01 EDT 2004

SO Restricted

I must admit that for a second year with 80W and a vertical this event was painful.   I had my daughter staying for the weekend so only managed about 3 1/2 hours on the bands - only 44 QSOs in total and nothing on 28 MHz at all.

The WAG gang made the majority of the 21/28 pretty useless, not their fault.  

My only real "DX" was a ZL.  The remainder were W/VE or European contacts.

I think that the RSGB should consider whether this contest is viable during the "lean years" of the sunspot cycle, certainly for the "little pistols" it can be a very slow and tortuous event, and certainly not the experience of contesting that is liable to encourage new entrants.

I'm glad to hear that some stations with a bit more "oomph" than my kit can provide worked a reasonable number of stations and some good DX.

    Tony G3ZRJ

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