[UK-CONTEST] TS-940S Production Mistakes

Dave Lawley g4buo at compuserve.com
Tue Sep 14 05:25:57 EDT 2004

I'm not a TS940 user myself but was intrigued to see this on the 
cq-contest reflector and thought that there may be some uk-contest 
subscribers who would like the info.

Dave G4BUO


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 11:45:15 -0300
From: "Eduardo Guisard" <rio1020485 at terra.com.br>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] TS-940S Production Mistakes
To: "cq-contest" <cq-contest at contesting.com>

A Brazilian ham found two mistakes that probably can be corrected in all 
TS-940S radios. There are two FTEs transistors soldered in the wrong 
position. These two errors affect the receiving performance.
All details to correct the two errors can be found at 

We hope this information will be reach all TS-940S owners.

Thanks and regards

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