Dave Lawley g4buo at compuserve.com
Mon Sep 20 18:55:06 EDT 2004

A local contester has a problem in that he keeps overdriving his 
amplifier and it currently needs repair, not for the first time. Part of 
the reason is that he has an early FT1000MP, in which the RF Pwr control 
is extremely critical on SSB and goes from about 40w to 100w in only a 
tiny movement of the control, making it impossible to set the drive 

Looking on the Yaesu reflector there was a mod issued by Yaesu TB9607 to 
fix this, and later models like mine don't have the problem. A later 
version of the fix is described by N6TV and does not involve removing 
the AF board. Reading the reflector I see a comment from Fred G4BWP to 
the effect that Yaesu in the States will do the mod free of charge, as 
an upgrade, whereas in the UK and elsewhere in Europe they don't even 
appear to know about the mod and if they did, they would charge for it.

Anyone managed to get Yaesu to do this mod in the UK? Understandably, my 
mate would rather have the supplier do it.

Thanks for any info.

Dave G4BUO

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