[UK-CONTEST] Cluster Filters

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Wed Dec 28 14:24:19 EST 2005

G3SJJ wrote:
>I have been trying to set some filters but don't seem to be very
>successful. I am trying to filter out data mode spots which I don't need
>and get the following return after sh/filter
>G3SJJ : spots
>%C de %M %D %T 2.241  dxspider >
>Any thoughts. Chris G3SJJ

What did you actually type in as a command? There seem to be several 
options in the DXSpider command reference at:

If anyone can help Chris, would they also have suggestions on how to set 
up: "Show DX spots only by stations in Europe (or near); but show 
whenever anyone, anywhere spots me"?

The first part is easy with DXSpider nodes (accept/spot 1 by_zone 
14,15,16) and so is the second part, but I couldn't make them work 

Couldn't find any published way to do it at all with ARC.

73 from Ian GM3SEK

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