Cooper, Stewart
coopers at odl.co.uk
Tue Feb 8 03:53:00 EST 2005
I think, for the very reasons discussed, that it is ideal to hold this=
contest in January/February. I'd rather everyone was challenged and had to=
work for their QSOs! I called many stations many times, and still never=
worked them. For info, I found the dipole was about 4 S points better than=
the vertical on all UK signals. I started late and finished early, so only=
about 15 Q's. It sounded to me like the ones doing well early on were not=
necessarily the 'big guns', but perhaps the ones who had low noise levels.=
With my low noise level here I can hear just about everything, so it's=
doubly frustrating when I don't get heard!
-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com=
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of G3SJJ
Sent: 07 February 2005 23:21
To: uk-contest at contesting.com
Subject: RE: [UK-CONTEST] 80m CC Feb SSB
I agree with Dave.
Firstly I think SSB AFS and 80m CC should have the same sub-band 3600 to
3775, with SSTV sector being disallowed. This would remove the constant
battle and prove that we rather than them are human!
Secondly I think 80m on Jan and Feb evenings is far from ideal for intra-UK
events. The LF cumulatives used to have 160m in the evening and 80/40 in=
afternoon/morning, this worked well. If evenings are to be kept, it should
start in March with sessions closer together.
Chris G3SJJ
-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Dave Sharred
Sent: 07 February 2005 22:26
To: uk-contest at contesting.com
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] 80m CC Feb SSB
And very difficult conditions from here - only 51 QSO's.
Band was full of strange noises and very strong continentals
Had to S&P most of the contest - CQing was ridiculous.
Took time out to move a few people out of the disallowed 50KHz - quite a=
people still operate here.
Personally, I think this rule is a bit silly - in AFS , anything goes; in
these short 1.5 hour blasts, we can't use it; and we still have the SSTV
people protecting their frequency allocation like crazy - one station took
to recording G3ORY's exchanges and QRMming him by playing them back !!
If there's a section of the band worth disallowing, surely it is this 20
KHz - at least for the sake of harmony between modes???? Hate to give in ,
BTW, but we hear it in every 80m SSB contest....
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