Andy swiffin a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk
Thu Feb 17 04:20:40 EST 2005

>>>> "Phil Cooper" <pcooper at guernsey.net> 02/16/05 9:47 pm >>>
>Hi all,
>Great conditions, but a few lousy signals!
>Hard to play when it's cold, and only one arm works!
>Ended up with 47 in the log!
>Thanks for the fun
>73 de Phil GU0SUP

And thanks for the qso Phil!

It was one of those events where I just know I should have done much
much much better.

Made 41 or so in the end.  Started off with a nice clear frequency and
was promptly sat upon by not 1, not 2, but yes 3 other people, one of
whom even interlaced their signal into mine.  Sorry Dave BUO for the
incomplete qso.  I gave up and went somewhere else.

Only a few lousy signals Phil? I heard more than a few or maybe it was
just the huge number of sidebands being generated by the few- Tutorial
needed for UK stations in setting up rtty - at one point I was being
qrmed by someones 3rd+ order sidebands......

I went to play psk at one point - but I don't think I'll ever get the
hang of that in a contest and its really slow coming up in N1MM on my
dire PC and then it went and Dr Watsoned....

And here's a hint for y'all to pass on to your club members for rtty
contesting:  When asked for a repeat of the number don't send

gm8oeg gm8oeg de <mycall> ur rst 599 599 599 <nr> QSL K

just send

<nr> <nr> <nr> <nr> <nr> <nr>   

(number of <nr>s up to you but I like about 6 and it doesn't take long
to send)

At one point - suffering from nth order sideband qrm from someone I had
real problems copying someones number and I had to ask the poor chap to
repeat about 4 times, each time I copied perfectly both calls the 599
the qsl K  but the signal just dropped out for the one instance of the

I've worked a fair bit of contest rtty over the last year and a half
and never met a mele like we seem to generate in these CC events.  Yes,
one of those times you just know you _should_  have done much better.



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