Chris Burbanks g3sjj at btinternet.com
Thu Jan 13 17:22:23 EST 2005

Interesting discussion. My observations on the two events so far are 
similar to the points made by Dave G3YMC after the CW event, with some 
additions. Inter UK skip seemed quite long, such that stations in the 
southern part of the UK were able to penetrate further than say stations 
in here in the centre. French stations were generally much stronger with 
me than UK and so were most GMs.

The argument that seems to be missing is one of demography. I had a 
clear frequency on 3772 and so was able to run SO2V, interspersing Qs on 
the sub rx. For a while I was monitoring G4DBL on the sub-band edge 
3775, in Hampshire, whilst I was getting his cast-offs in the form of 
many 002s, he was rapidly creeping ahead with stuff that just weren't 
calling me. Also, using SO2V to S&P down the band, I worked a number of 
people in Kent, Surrey, Hants and Avon all with higher serial numbers.

So, in addition to the skip aspect I also think there is an activity 
issue, with the emphasis along the M25, M3, M4 corridor. Much the same 
as I found in my analysis of NFD 10m activity. Clubs like, Cray Valley, 
Horsham, Farnborough, Newbury and Bristol all had noticeable activity. 
The opposite exists around here, and I guess with others such as G3IZD, 
GM4AFF. I worked 2 other stations in Notts, none I can recall in Derbys, 
maybe 4 in Lincs and possibly 5 in Leics. So maybe a total of 10 or 11 
stations in my own and bordering counties.  For the record, 109 Qs.

Chris G3SJJ

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