[UK-CONTEST] Keyer or Keyboard? (Longish)

johndunnington johndunnington at johndunnington.karoo.co.uk
Thu Jun 9 03:07:19 EDT 2005

As two  (now 3-OF's) discussing keyboards..all ARE Wlog users...no mention
of using either

(a) Auto CQ Mode
(b) Typing on the fly ie Put in partial Call hit F-key and continue typing
remainder of call.

A mix of paddle and F-Keys is a must for most situations. Yes Clive fingers
getting tighter here also
in particular my natural left hand although thanks to my service training
(my god it was 50-years ago)
I do paddle with my right hand and write/keyboard LH unless I am using both
hands on the KBd and left foot
doing a jig.

When we sat Andy down (G3AB) in GB5HQ 2-years ago he had not used writelog
but within 2-minutes had found
the type ahead function which he said gave him so much freetime. He is also
VERY proficient using keyboards
I suspect from a day job along the line.

OK folks will watch the chit chat progress.


John G3LZQ

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