Andy swiffin a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk
Thu Jun 16 04:04:01 EDT 2005

> On the very down side, why oh why oh why do people send my callsign 
> before
> sending the report?? I've had the bloody callsign for almost 42 years. 
> I  k
> n o w  m y   c a l l s i g n !!

I don't think I committed that one yesterday but I think I can reply on behalf of novice CWers - its to give your hand something to do while your brain tries to catch up....   I sent something daft to someone (can't think what it was or to who) last night while trying to work out why on earth I couldn't get the PC to take input.....  It's amazing what your hand gets up to when the brains away somewhere else.



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