[UK-CONTEST] MA-144 tuner question

Albert Santangelo ve3ajm at sympatico.ca
Sat Jun 25 10:20:46 EDT 2005

Hello Peter,

I was looking to get some information on the MA-144C tuner that I have.
Do you have a schematic or information on it. I would reimburse you for
any costs.

Just from looking inside it, and trying to trace the circuit, I can't
figure out what the configuration of the tuner circuit is. I know its
meant to be used with a whip or longwire antenna system.

Also, on the input coaxial input, my DVM shows continuity between the
center of the SO239 and the outside barrel of the connector.

Hope you could help me out. I would really appreciate any thoughts or
information that you may have on this.

Al Santangelo

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