[UK-CONTEST] Monday night's 80CC SSB leg

Andy Summers andy.summers at ttpcom.com
Wed May 4 04:35:21 EDT 2005

77Q's. Intended as a casual entry as it's difficult to run in a phone
contest in the same room as the XYL watching TV! So S&P only until the
final 15 mins when the TV program was over and I stumbled on a clear
frequency. It was that final 15 mins that I enjoyed most! Surprised how
well I was getting out with my OCF 1/2-wave inverted-V dipole, apex &
feed at 1/4 of overall length and up 30ft, ends at ~10ft.
No GM's heard. High level of QRN countered generally good inter-G

Interesting tactic employed by some not only laying their towels on the
sunbed but pushing the adjacent ones further aside. I refer to the use
of linears whilst warming the frequency up beforehand. All's fair in love
and war - and contesting I suppose.

I wish I had been able to get on for more of the 80MCC sessions. Hope to see
you all in the CW leg.

Andy, G4KNO, Granta CG.

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