[UK-CONTEST] Freidrichyshaven

Simon/M0CLW m0clw at ftml.net
Sat May 7 09:28:18 EDT 2005

Hi Tom,

> Just so that you know - I have just been mugged by Ryanair, the
> high cost airline, who havwe changed the time of the Stansted -
> Freidrichshaven flight on the Friday before Freidrichshaven to
> 0925.    This means I cannot make my Prestwick - Stansted
> connection.

Eeek... Worrying as I too am going direct to F'hafen from Stansted
on Ryanair (although flying outbound on the Thursday).

Ryanair have already changed the time of my return flight, so
they'd better not change the time of my outbound flight too -
currently, it's still set for 0950 (arriving F'hafen at 1230). Hmm, 
I guess it's time to pick up the phone and talk to the someone who 
might 'know'. Kinda defeats the object of 'booking online', but hey...

Anyway Tom, hope to CU there.

73, Simon

Simon A. Pearson, M0CLW

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