[UK-CONTEST] Netgear DG834G / GT ADSL WiFi Router

Justin Snow justin at g4tsh.demon.co.uk
Sat Nov 12 14:23:00 EST 2005

Slightly off topic but relevant never the less.

Anyone else in this group happen to have one of these devices and having
the same problems I am?

I recently upgraded from an "obsolete" DG814 to DG 834GT to get WiFi
(Special offer in PC world).  I find that the new router modem is vastly
inferior in its rejection of unwanted RF!  A mere 10 watts from my K2 on
40m will bugger it up completely whereas my old DG814 was immune.

I know 80m and particularly 160m can cause problems with ADSL modems, but
this one is by far the worst bit of kit I have come across.  While I can
happily replace with my old 814, I wonder about all my neighbors!  A quick
scan of the WiFi spectrum shows several of these devices in the surrounding
properties, some of which, it appears I could easily connect to and use
their Internet connection too :-)

Anyone considering purchase of one of these devices my wish to think again.

Does anyone have any experience of any RF resistant ADSL WiFi routers that
they could recommend?

Justin, G4TSH

Justin Snow  G4TSH

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