[UK-CONTEST] Re 21/28MHZ Contest

ian fugler ian at g4iiy.freeserve.co.uk
Sun Oct 23 06:38:44 EDT 2005

If it helps the influencing process within HFCC, I fully support Bob's
proposals for changes to the 21/28Mhz contests.

I entered these contest for a number of years and have the certificates to
prove it.  Admittedly, my personal circumstances with an increase in family
commitments have influenced my decision not to enter in the last couple of
years.  But that was only part of the reason.  The principal reasons have
been articulated by others; primarily lack of activity and clashes with
another, increasingly popular contest.

I would almost certainly enter a 21/28 Mhz contest revised along the lines
proposed by Bob.

I also miss the 7Mhz contest, but guess that one is gone forever.  As I
recall it co-incided with the UBA CW contest, which was helpful since
everyone could work everyone.  I guess that comment risks re-opening the
debate about an RSGB contest within a major, international event?


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