[UK-CONTEST] AFS SSB Results, the thin end of the wedge

G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Wed Sep 14 08:44:03 EDT 2005

October 2005 RadCom, page 28.  Please tell me this is a printer's error.  If
not, who was responsible for this appalling lack of judgement?

Only the first ten Clubs listed and only the first ten individuals listed.

During the 15 years I served on the HF Contests Committee, I, along with
other well known committee members and UK contesters, fought hard to retain
contest coverage in RadCom. Successive editors (G4JVG excepted) have fought
equally hard to minimise the allocated space of this "perceived" minority

Some 10 years ago at a meeting of Council and all Society Committee
chairman, I had to defend this disgusting suggestion. I am pleased to say
the proposer was later removed from the staff of the Society.

I demand a full apology to Society members and entrants to AFS SSB 2005,
with the publication of a FULL listing in the next issue.

Chris Burbanks G3SJJ
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