[UK-CONTEST] European Sprint Contests

Dave Lawley g4buo at compuserve.com
Thu Sep 29 20:19:21 EDT 2005

The Autumn European Sprint contests take place on the next two 
Saturdays, phone is on 1st October and CW on 8th. Both are 4-hour 
events, starting at 15.00z

The basic idea of the sprint is that you cannot sit on a frequency and 
CQ all the time, you *MUST* QSY after calling and making a QSO. This is 
an excellent test of operator skill and agility.

Exchange is serial number and name or nickname. After CQing and making a 
QSO you must QSY at least 2KHz before CQing or working anyone else. 
Because people are constantly QSYing, you must send BOTH callsigns as 
part of each exchange.

Activity starts on 20m, people begin to move to 40 after an hour or so, 
and the last hour is mainly 80m. Full rules and other information is on 
the web site  http://www.eusprint.com, which has been completely 
rewritten and updated by Royce M0RHI and Peter M3PHP.

There's a choice of logging software, including SD, WL, TR, N1MM and 

I hope as many G contesters as possible will have a go in the sprints 
this autumn, despite the fact that the HF Convention has drifted onto 
the CW sprint weekend. Unfortunately I'll only be at the convention for 
half a day because of this most unwelcome date clash.

73, Dave G4BUO

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