QUENTIN COLLIER q.g.collier at btinternet.com
Sun Apr 2 04:38:59 EDT 2006

As to why the inspections are carried out, I would have thought that Chris as an ex HFCC chairman would have a better understanding of the rationale than I, who am merely the adjudicator! 
  But I guess it is a legacy of the old 10w days, when it must have been tempting to run an 807 up to the dizzy limits of 25W. Personally I believe this is one of those things from the past that is good and should be retained. 
  Chris is right to note that the inspection requirement relates only to CW NFD and not SSB FD.....if there is a feeling that it should apply to SSB FD, why not suggest this to the HFCC? I am sure they would look at that sympathetically.   

  Quin G3WRR
  PS - in the unlikely event that this e-mail promotes further debate, I'm out of the country on business from later today and won't be able to participate until the very end of the week.  
G3SJJ <g3sjj at btinternet.com> wrote:
  Errm, why? Don't you trust us or is it just another quaint British 
custom!? What about SSB FD?

Chris G3SJJ


>As regards the question about NFD inspections, this is certainly the case for HF NFD. 3 stations got inspected in 2005 (plus an attempt at a fourth, who had pulled out but not notified me accordingly, but that's another story!). And this honourable tradition will continue.....
> 73,
>Quin G3WRR 
>Contesting wrote:
> Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 22:11:28 -0000
>To: uk-contest at contesting.com
>From: Contesting 
>Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] QRO
>Quoting from the message of Wed, 29 Mar 2006 16:18:39 EST from G0TPH at aol.com :
>>Not that I'm against QRO though. Just that I would prefer to see a single 
>>section in each contest, run what power you like, and you take your
>>QSO score 
>>and divide it down by the highest power you used in the contest, to
>>give your 
>>final score. The fact that this would propel my 5 watt 80m Club 
>>entries way way up the rankings has very little to do with it :-)
>So.......the 1KW plus boys would admit their 'guilt' to the world ?
>At the end of the day what counts is skill/expertise.
>I wouldn't mind betting that a properly operated 396w [26dB] Station
>could knock the spots off one running a 'mere' 6dB more whose operator
>is not 'man for the job'.
>Out of Interest......are NFD Stations still 'inspected' ?
>As an aside, someone asked about Maximum Power in Other Countries.
>Moldova is 400w PEP, Rumours that one or two of their Big Boys run c10KW
>are unconfirmed.
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