John Muzyka g4rcg at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Apr 2 16:59:16 EDT 2006

Well I still think that ROPOCO should be done in an afternoon like AFS then it might attract a bit more support from stations, steady for the 1st 30 -45 mins the a slowdown to nothing towards the end, the GM's were quite strong with me, in fact every one was, there were only a couple of stations who were weak (ish) 
  There were a few regulars who were not about but maybe they were at the GMDX Convention.
  Only problem I had was I had an intentional jammer, some one on a manual hand key that just kept on my freq'' sending jibberish, anyway I just worked thryu him without too much problem.
  I wkd 58 q's no dupes, and I hope a perfect log, will have to wait and see. the 1st attempt at sending in the log to RSGB resulted in it bouncing back, 2nd time seems ok but still waiting for a confirmation.
  Icom Pro 3 Inverted V @ 60'
  PS where did the 3Y22BBE come from???

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