Gerard Lynch gerrylynch at freenetname.co.uk
Mon Apr 3 16:56:18 EDT 2006

My, my, wasn't that fun!

122 big fat pretty QSOs here, sat on 3.525 and a bit until 7 minutes before 
the end when I decided it was time to S&P.  when the 10 Q rate meter finally 
fell below 60.  A slow first 7 or 8 minutes then, wooosh!  Quarter hourly 
rates of 23/27/16*/18/22/16.  There were some big numbers being sent - 
G3WVG, GM3POI, G4RCG, G4BUO, G4RCG all spring to mind.  Did anyone top 150 
in this?  It sounded like it was heading that way for a while.

Just after the half-hour mark somebody started calling CQ TEST 5NN 5NN etc. 
on my frequency.  Then he started saying CONTESTER IDIOTS a lot (ever look 
in the mirror when you shave, dude?)  Then he started pretending be G3SJJ. 
He sat on me for 6 minutes or so until he got bored.  Obviously this did not 
help the rate in that period.

A few other big guns (who should know better) tried to creep a bit too close 
but they were soon crushed by the might of RTN and the iDoublet!

Lots of Eu support, as always, and a UA4 called me which is the furthest 
east a Russian/ex-Soviet has called me in this one.


Gerry G0RTN
Vanity Page at http://www.gerrylynch.co.uk
"In days of old, when ops were bold, and sidebands not invented,
The word would pass, by pounding brass, and all were well contented." 

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