[UK-CONTEST] UK-Contest Digest, Vol 40, Issue 30, Beveridges

Geoffg4afj at aol.com Geoffg4afj at aol.com
Fri Apr 28 05:29:24 EDT 2006

Hello All especially Alex,
It may not answer all your questions but there is an article in a recent  
QST- April2006- about Beveridges and their effective implementation by Ward  
Silver who edits the ARRL Contest Rate Sheet. It's encouraged me to have a look  
at it as I have the similar sort of situation where it would be most effective  
to run the beveridge(s) along the fence posts with wire on them.
Ward refers to a book about beveridges which I think I have got a copy of  
but it must be down in the noise somewhere in the shack.
Unfortunately too much work to do outside at the moment but not of the  
aerial variety!
It would be interesting to see the replies.
73, Geoff

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