[UK-CONTEST] Contest QSLing policies

Contesting contesting at m5aav.org.uk
Wed Aug 2 05:41:29 EDT 2006

Quoting from the message of Wed, 02 Aug 2006 10:22:24 +0100 from "Dave
Sergeant" <dave at davesergeant.com> :

> On a related topic, I read with interest the suggestions in RadCom on 
> the new postage rates. In the past I have sent envelopes stamped for 
> the 150gm rate and this has worked well. The new small letter rate is 
> unrealistic because of the 5mm thickness limit (who on earth decided 
> that wants to be shot, it will cause no end of problems). To keep to 
> my existing amounts I am proposing to stamp at 55p which allows up to 
> 250gm in 'large letter' and instruct my manager not to over fill 
> them, 100gm is a bit too low. Any thoughts?

Wearing my Sub Managers hat - I can only agree with the comment re the
5mm thickness [and fancy increasing the weight to 100grams for that

I'm trying to get my lads onto the 37p stamp rate,and decent manilla

I have this morning sent off to a 'customer' an envelope of A4 size with
a first class stamp on, marked 'wait 10', and included a PO leaflet
explaining that in future that size envelope will cost a minimum of 37
but I doubt if they will listen. - I feel an evil grin coming on.




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