[UK-CONTEST] AFS scoring

QUENTIN COLLIER q.g.collier at btinternet.com
Fri Aug 4 05:10:12 EDT 2006

  Going from memory here, but as I recall it AFS took on its current form in 1976. Up till that point the AFS format was based on the now defunct Short Wave Magazine's MCC (Magazine Club Contest). This was run for 4 hours on each of 2 consecutive days (Saturday and Sunday). Neither MCC nor AFS (as it then was) were particularly flourishing. The move to the current AFS format really transformed things. There was never a distance element involved. 
  A few points of detail:
  * AFS was initially CW only - SSB came along quite a lot later
  * timing was initally 1 - 4 clock time, but moved back by an hour to, I think, give the GMs a better crack at the propogation
  * for the first few years (subsequently dropped) club stations had to send "AFS" after the serial number, and there was a points differential of 10 points for stations sending AFS and 1 point for those not doing so. Interestingly (and perhaps surprisingly) our club found that the time saved by not having to send "AFS" meant that there was a QSO count hike of 5 or more.
Hope that helps.

Quin G3WRR

Alex GM3ZBE <alex at gm3zbe.plus.com> wrote:

Just curious. but I don't know the history of the AFS contests or even when
they started, has there ever been a distance element to the scoring?


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