[UK-CONTEST] FT2000 made for the 21/28 contest?
Darren GØTSM
uk-contest at g0tsm.com
Thu Aug 10 17:48:11 EDT 2006
Just reading through the user manual for the FT2000, it seems to have
a few features which would make the 21/28 contest easier for me..
According to the manual the rig can do polarity diversity reception,
one antenna on the main rx and one antenna on the sub rx. It also
says that it can RX on different bands if they use the same band pass filter.
Reading this I can assume that as 10, 12 & 15M use the same BPF I
could have my 15m antenna on ant-1 and my 10m ant on ant-2. Set the
main Rx to 15m, set the sub rx to 10m. Call CQ on 15m and when no one
answers have a quick tune around on the sub rx on 10m... An even more
enhanced SO2V...
On the down side, as the FT1kMP/mk5 appears to use different BPF's
for 21 and 28MHz maybe the FT2000 will have problems in a multi-multi
enviroment?. Time will tell....
Next Question,, If the FT2000 is as good as it should be then what do
we do with all the 'spare' FT1kmp's? :-)
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