Ian J Maude ian at gb7mbc.net
Thu Aug 17 04:29:33 EDT 2006

Hi all,
I don't get involved in too many discussions on here but this one has me 
very interested.
My own point of view is that NFD is fine as it is.  I am not anywhere 
near contest speed for CW but the SSB contest is great fun!  It gives 
our little contest group a real chance of getting near a trophy (we came 
9th this year in the restricted section).  There are up to 10 of us when 
we are out and NFD gives us the chance to set up a portable station and 
flex our small but beautifully formed muscles :-) It also allows us to 
strike out the barbeque and involve our families more.
If it were up to me I would have it as a single antenna, 100 watt 
contest with a QRP section.  I would not allow cluster use as it is 
pointless without mults (and this from a cluster sysop!).  Having a high 
power section means that only the more affluent groups have a chance to 
win that section and it seems to me that most people look upon the high 
power section as the overall winner, lessening the feeling of victory 
for those in the restricted section.

My opinions for what they are worth

72/73 Ian

Ian J Maude G0VGS | Sysop GB7MBC DXCluster
K2 #4044

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