Clive GM3POI gm3poi2 at btinternet.com
Thu Aug 17 08:31:11 EDT 2006

Hi NFD fans!!
I think that without care we are going to mix two separate problems the 
first being common EU rules if possible and increasing participation in NFD 
from around EU.
Their has been a  tendency over the last few years which says the numbers 
are dropping so the rules MUST be wrong, or is it that the rules are 
believed to be the only changeable thing. Whereas the real problem is that 
even with any rules some Countries are not active during the NFD weekend. I 
noted this year a handful of OHs but bucket loads of 6 point UA9s but Zero 
EA/P. Every active ham will have heard the 40m internal EA contests where 
hundreds of "CW" EAs suddenly descend on 40m filling the band, not to 
mention WSEM. Perhaps all it needs is for the RSGB or Reg 1 to approach all 
other non participating countries with an invite to create an NFD with 
almost any rules as long as it's held on  the first W/E in June 15Z.
      As too detail in my opinion a high power section would be a mistake 
because there is no common EU high power standard. Packet should only be 
required IF countries were to be the Mult otherwise not. Of course using 
DXCC as a mult system would encourage some to have packet whether it was 
allowed or not.
       I cannot see why if the UK fails to get our version of  NFD rules 
accepted by the rest of EU we cannot have dual scoring as happens at the 
moment with UK stations entering the DARC FD.
        As too sections the present three seem to be fine however I have 
always thought that encouraging stations to only enter part of a contest (as 
a section) will help kill off the contest rather than save it. I can see no 
problem with allowing a fixed station listing provided fixed can only work 
/P however are can't see the big RK3 type stations being happy with that 
boring situation. It may be worth considering higher points for working a 
       I have seen on this reflector many times that if a group only has two 
or three operators therefore they will be out of the running, nothing could 
be further from the truth just get your arse off the chair answering points 
on this reflector and get on during NFD, if you would like advise on how to 
be successful ask those who have won. Meantime  book your ferry ticket for 
73 Clive GM3POI

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