Bob Beebe gu4yox at cwgsy.net
Sat Dec 2 11:47:01 EST 2006

I have been working in SM3 all week and am just catching up from last weekend. 160M was buzzing. I relised that after the first night with over 200 N.America in the log that this was going to be something special. I took the Friday off work as I'd been busy and needed to catch up with preparations. This did me good as I only nodded off for 2 hours after 0200 on Sunday when the band  was just mushy. Anyway, pressed on hoping to beat my last personal best of 93,000 points (giving me World #7 - 2003)on 160M but with over 200k points in the bag I predict that there will be some big scores posted for topband.

Summary was: 83 Countries  20 Zones and 1358 QSO's 
214,200 points claimed.

I really enjoyed myself  all weekend. The weather was very windy down here and I ran the Inv-L at aroound 55' until the Sunday night last effort when I got the the top up to 85'.

Great to be called by Steve VK6VZ at greyline time and some other new ones that help in the 160M totals. Thanks to all that called me, the QSL pile is enourmous already. 

A big congratulations to Nigel on his score (TXF) but I suspect that there will be some big surprise scores after what was a great CQWW.

Inv-L and Beverages and Loop.



Sent via Cable & Wireless Guernsey system at cwgsy.net


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