[UK-CONTEST] Tower photos wanted - thanks

Chris Tran zl1ct at gm7v.com
Wed Dec 13 11:57:04 EST 2006

Wednesday 13th December 2006

Hello all

Many thanks to Fred G4BWP, Keith GM4YXI, Nigel G3TXF, Alex GD3UMW, Steve 
GW4BLE, Don G3BJ, Callum M0CMX, Paul G6PZ, Nick G4FAL, Adrian MW1LCR and Jan 
G0IVZ for all the digital photos of towers, winches, bases etc.... I'm 
sorting them out and will post them (on a linked webpage I think cos qsl.net 
is overloaded and slow at the moment) this coming weekend.

Please send me any more pics you think would be interesting to everyone - 
some of the 'tower disaster' photos are really quite sad to see ! (I'm 
creating a separate section for these photos)


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