[UK-CONTEST] SSB Field Day ..efficiency

Clive Whelan clive.whelan at btinternet.com
Wed Dec 20 05:35:26 EST 2006

Yeah but, no but.....

The efficiency of DARC is legendary, just a shame that we
have to trade off flawed ethos to achieve this, viz default
use of cluster spotting ( cf also WAEDC). Otoh, perhaps
those who demur are just OFs?



-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Ian
Sent: 20 December 2006 10:32
To: UK Contest
Cc: Roger G3SXW; Nigel G3TXF; Steve GW4BLE
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] SSB Field Day ..efficiency

Hi Guys

A week or so ago, the results of the September's SSB FD were
published by
the DARC.  Today GW0AAA/P received a nice certificate.  All
done and dusted
in a few months.

I would urge any entrants for the RSGB field days to also
submit a log to
the DARC.  With Cabrillo and e-mail, clearly no great effort
is required.
Just email the file to fieldday at darc.dxhf.de .  It adds to
the fun, and it's

At present the scoring criteria for the CW events differ
between the RSGB
and the DARC.  So if one is aiming for a top slot in Europe
it's clearly
best to base operating strategy on the DARC multiplier
system. I suspect
though that, like us, most UK stations will stick to the old
fashioned RSGB
system for the present. Then simply send in a log to DARC
for fun.

73 Ian G3WVG ..obo GW0AAA/P Three A's contest group.

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