[UK-CONTEST] Large missing logs

G3SXW g3sxw at btinternet.com
Wed Dec 27 17:47:58 EST 2006

Dear UK-Contest,
In addition to my earlier posting, here are the largest missing logs for CQ WW SSB, in rank order:
EI7M         3748 
RU1A         3468 
6Y1V         3157 
T70A         2895 
G6PZ         2288
OL3Z         1826 
S58A         1740 
XE1CXC       1592 
ZV5E         1583 
ZP5MAL       1579 
HG6V         1399 
PY5EW        1330 
CT1ESV       1200 
3XM6JR       1197 
YU1EL        1176 
S53EO        1106 
PP1CZ        1062 
IZ4COW       1032 
Six of the top 7 logs are European. That's a shame!
These reports also help to discover lost logs. So, please spread the word.
73 de Roger/G3SXW.

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