Andy swiffin a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk
Tue Feb 14 08:19:51 EST 2006

>>> "Cooper, Stewart" <coopers at odl.co.uk> wrote on 13/02/2006
> I didn't realise there was a restriction on the use of 1810-1820 
> specifically during this (or any other?) contest either. I just 
> followed the (large) crowd and sat on (I think) 1817kHz for the first

> hour, using the 2nd VFO for the odd pounce up the band. Worked 102
> 17 countries and 31 districts in 1.5 hours. But like Chris, I won't 
> bother entering. I never intended making a serious entry anyway as I

> wanted to get some sleep in order to catch 3Y0X. (8 band modes now!)

Only 102?  I managed a dismal 80odd in the whole 4 hours, I guess I
could have found a few more by S&P a bit more but I wanted to see how I
could do mainly running - not very well!   

Activity seemed much lower than for the FOC event the previous weekend
which I listened to for a bit, but maybe that was because conditions
were much worse with lower signal levels this weekend?  

Still - it's all good practice!


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