Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Tue Feb 21 02:08:09 EST 2006

I know Don has a big problem fitting in all the IOTA results in a 
meaningful way with all the different sections. But I was surprised  
that there was no indication anywhere in the sections of who were QRP 
operators. Even an asterisk against the relevant calls would have 

For what it is worth, I was well down in the QRP league this year, it 
seems to be getting rather competitive!

73 Dave G3YMC

On 21 Feb 2006 at 0:09, Chris Swallow wrote:

> Just opened my copy. IOTA results table stinks. Good job it is online.
> The Island single op mixed does not show scores and no sections detail
> qsos/multipliers. Someone tell me where Lee is in there (Apart from in
> the trophies list).


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