[UK-CONTEST] AFS CW is alive and well!

m0blf@domsmith.co.uk m0blf at domsmith.co.uk
Tue Jan 10 13:07:27 EST 2006

Hi all,

>   When all the G3s have gone what will become of AFS?  We are led to believe that CW 
>   is booming amongst the new stations.  Not much sign of it here!

Well, yes it is Jim and I certainly would have been taking part were it 
not for the fact that I was on the M5 at the time.  Unfortunately the 
second weekend in January will almost always be the weekend when most of 
us youngsters are returning back to University after the Christmas 
vacation.  Not much we can do about that and I think a number of the 
other WWYCers were in the same boat.

Now that term is underway, however, I suspect there'll be many more 
people on for the SSB leg.  I know that G6UW in Cambridge is planning an 
entry for next weekend.  I won't be around, however, partly as I have no 
rig in Birmingham (and silly University regulations prevent me from 
reforming the radio club there) and also because I'll be at the CAMRA 
Redditch winter ales festival getting my priorities right ;)


Dominic M0BLF

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